Thursday 14 October 2004

What is real Happiness?

Well here is a hard question. It is obvious that there are various different types of happiness induced by different things. Each happiness has its benefits or negatives.

Material Happiness. Material happiness is basically a kind of rush that is brought on from gaining something you wanted or desired, if you wanted a new computer and you finally got one you would be happy. Now even though your material desire was satisifed humans get bored of things easy, and this leads to the wanting and craving of even more material possesions. Now this happiness does not last, it lasts for a short time then you want more things creating more pain, or even if you are content with what you have there is the fact of impermance, it truly is impossible to create a relationship with anything because everything is ever changing.

Now there is another happiness on what I could say is based on love. This is the happiness of seeing your loved ones happy, this is also based sometimes on them making you happy, now personally I like this form of happiness but it can bring you down too. When you get attached to a certain person they may leave you or die, or sometimes be mean to you, now more often than not this will make you very unhappy. There is also the relationships you created with generally everyone around you and very often this can lead you to blame somebody for something that happens to you.. again more suffering is created.

Now the last happiness I would like to discuss is contentment with self. The only true way to keep your happiness up is to be content with yourself, you must be happy with yourself as you are. Now based on this I don't mean go out and get on a ego trip... this is simular to material happiness and will get you hurt. What I mean is be happy with yourself, realise that you can make others happy also for giving is also another way to be truly happy. If you can give yourself to others in the end you will be truly happy, you must accept your actions as your own, do not create blame, just be and live.

You can apply the last happiness type to the relationship category too, accepting responsibility for your own actions, also when somebody yells at you or gets snappy you can look at them knowing that they are not perfect as you are not, ask yourself why they are like this and maybe help or just leave it bee without getting offended. There is much more to this than can be said in this post.

I hope you all find happiness with yourself.

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