Thursday 9 September 2010

Ideas to Change the World

Although extremely idealistic, here are some ideas to change the world:

  • Everyone is “given” a house, all houses will be the same. People will be placed in areas close to their workplaces. This would allow for car pooling, lower emissions and less congestion.
  • Force workplaces to have staggered starting times. For example 6am-11am. This would prevent congestion and some emissions.
  • Have one economical car for everyone, no performance vehicles. Add limits to the vehicles to prevent dangerous driving.
  • Stop production of unnecessary items and foods.
  • Dedicate whole industries to supplying developing and 3rd world countries. We waste so much food as it is and have so much we don’t need.
  • Change the focus of research and development from profit to world gain.
  • Form a unified government throughout the world where every country cooperates, all wealth and resources are shared and no country tries to “1up” the other.
  • Stop trying to change the natural environment to suit us, change us the suit the environment.
  • Stop eating animals, we can easily supplement our diet. We would quickly evolve to accommodate this.
  • Start doing things for other people instead of ourselves.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Human Impact

As humans, we take almost everything for granted. We are extremely wasteful, and instead of evolving and living in harmony with nature, we change nature and have a huge impact on the environment. Some steps can be taken to change the impact we have and we need to start looking at ourselves, not just as individuals but as a society. 
Humans have a huge impact on both fauna and flora. From simply using the seas to search for oil sites, we have had a dramatic effect on the feeding patterns of whales. Something more dramatic as the recent BP oil spill is threatening an entire species. Sit and think about the things we are doing and have done around the world from introducing species, clearing out natural habitats, greenhouse emissions and even every day things such as driving to and from work. Humans need to make some huge changes to the way we treat the world.
Humans can take simple steps to improve the state of the natural world. We simply do not need to cut down trees, drill for oil, build new roads while destroying forests or have such a high carbon emission level. We could easily cut down on these things, most of which are for material gain and are never out of necessity. We need to change the focus from ourselves and change it outwards to the rest of the world.
If we change our focus from ourselves, we can make a huge impact. What people do not realize, is that the effect we have one the rest of the world, in turn has a huge impact on us individually. If we stop creating consumer demand for self satisfaction, we will stop the impact on the environment, stop damaging ecosystems through collections of materials and so forth. Every animal and plant in the world has an impact on the functioning and harmony of the world, in turn having an impact on is, either instantly significant or progressive.
We really need to wake up, and smell the roses. We are having such a huge impact we don't realize it, and through simple steps and by changing the focus from ourselves to the rest of the world, we can make planet earth a better place to live. Somewhere that was once a lush beautiful natural world.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Mind as an Absolute

Before I start, let me make something clear: This post will probably no more than some random ideas, will probably lack structure, and will probably have a lot of disorder. This will also cover some things I have previously written about. Now to it.
From my perspective, the  mind is the only thing we can really class as absolute. Everything else, even that outside of our control and external to us is relative. The mind can make a situation out of nothing, it can perceive something that isn’t there(or maybe it really is) and it controls everything in the material world.
Thanks to Descartes, we have the rationalization that everything external to our mind cannot be proven. For example, I am longsighted and need to wear reading glasses, this shows that my senses are fallible, it shows that they cannot be relied on. Due to this fact, I cannot know for sure that the information I am receiving from the outside world is 100% correct. If this is the case, how can I know anything is actually real?
This is all ground work to emphasize the main point. Not only does this fallible interpretation apply to information received externally, but it also applies to ideas, the information we process internally. For example: if I tell a joke, one person may laugh and another may not. Why is this? Why is it that another person who also thinks(we will assume this for the moment) reacts differently?
If you can interpret something differently, on both a physical level and mental level, does this not mean that we are the creators of our own world? Yes we have patterns, ways of thinking that to some extent automate our reactions and interpretations of things, but these can be change.
I will leave you with this to ponder however: If we know we are thinking because we observe our own thoughts, how do we know for sure someone else is thinking? How do we know other people are real?

Monday 6 September 2010

Need to Want Less

Check out this groovy page I think it makes a bold statement about the world, its focus and what it needs to change to.

Posted via - Visit for even more content!

The Human Cage

Something for everyone to ponder: "Money is like a bird cage for people". Would having all the money in the world mean we had no cage? Would it mean we could fly around free? Or would having no money constraints or no ties to an illusion economy be true freedom?

Posted via - Visit for even more content!

Saturday 4 September 2010

Sleepless Nights

Lying here, unable to sleep,
Nothing I can do, just end up thinking of you,
It might sound a little weak,
But it is such a feat, something that’s impossible to beat,
That fact that I’m with you.

Friday 3 September 2010

Lame Jokes Collection

What do you call a sleeping cow?
A bulldozer.

What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?
Robin, get in the car.

When is a car not a car?
When it turns into a driveway.

What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No eye dear.
What do you call a deer with no legs and no eyes?
Still no eye dear.

What's long, yellow and fruity?
An apple in disguise.

What did the dog say to the tree?

Why was Tigger looking in the toilet?
To find Pooh.

Why did the booger cross the road?
Because he was being picked on.

What time did the man go to the dentist?
Tooth hurty.

How to you organize a space party?
You planet.

How do you start a book about ducks?
With an introducktion.

Why don't anteaters get sick?
Because they're full of anty-bodies.

What did the digital watch say to his Mum?
"Look Mum no hands."

Two peanuts were walking down a spooky road at night...  One was a-salted.

A termite walks into a pub and asks, "Is the bar tender here?"

What did the apple say to the orange?
Nothing stupid, apples don't talk.

Why can't a chicken coop have more than 2 doors?
Because if it had 4 doors it would be a chicken sedan.

What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?
Robin, get in the car.

What's brown and sounds like a bell? 

Posted from: Luz's Blog of Life.


Thursday 26 August 2010

The Tragedy of the Cyclic Existence in the Material World

Today in modern society, we seem to be trapped in an unfortunately cyclic existence. We go to work everyday, make money, pay the bills and never really experience life. What is it we contribute to society?

We may be working in a retail store, or in IT fixing computers, but what contribution does this truly make? All we are really doing, is going to work, assisting a corporate entity so we ourselves can profit. We use this money to buy flash cars, big houses, and many other superficial things that we really don't need to find "true happiness". We need to assess what we are really achieving in our every day life.

What could we do to improve the world and our lives? Unfortunately if everyone quit their jobs, the world wouldn't function correctly, however there are some things we can change. We can start volunteering to a meaningful cause, we could donate within our means and of course, we could simply be better people by helping our fellow humans out. There are some other small changes we could make, some of these however, are extremely difficult to implement.

We need to start cutting down on self indulgence, money does NOT buy happiness. We can start by living within out means, not buying extravagant cars, houses and TVs, and simply start enjoying the simpler things in life. What is the most exciting thing you have done lately? It might pay to step outside of your boundaries, go bungee jumping, kayaking, rock climbing, sky diving or simply go out to the wilderness and take a hike through our beautiful, and natural world. Changing these things in our day to day lives can easily lead to true happiness.

True happiness is not attained by having the best of the best, being a millionaire, being popular or having all the latest gadgets, happiness is indeed and inside job. We could divide "levels" happiness into a scale, but in my own opinion, I think there is only one type of "true happiness". Happiness comes from within, accepting and appreciating things for what they are, being content with life, and most of all, having a kind and generous heart. Loving kindness is indeed the true method to achieve happiness, whether you simply be a better person to the people you know and encounter, start donating to charity out of the good of your heart, volunteering for a worthy cause such as rescuing animals or assisting people in need or changing our career all together, you will find more fulfillment, peace of mind, and happiness.

Get out there people, change the world!

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Honesty, Love, and Other Variations of Definition In Modern Society

In modern society it seems a lot of words or concepts have had a change of definition. These vary from words/concepts such as: Honesty, Friendship, Love, Happiness and many others. Unfortunately for the few of us who still try to adhere to the "old" way of thinking it can cause conflicting signals within out minds and result in a irrational thinking.

Love is probably the broadest statement any one person can make, now aside from my previous discussions on the topic of Love lets try and find the modern day definition of "relationship love". Relationship love seems to be a very two way thing, when both parties are exchanging a said "love currency" (hugs, sex, money, cuddles, affection etc) it appears that both parties seem to be content for a certain period of time but of course this is a very materialistic viewpoint. Unfortunately the downside here is that one person eventually gets frustrated or tries to leave.

Unfortunately when a person tries to disconnect themselves there doesn't seem to be any slack given to the "mistake maker", it seems to be a simple case of move on and forget the other person even existed. This is somewhat unfortunate as "real Love" is a currency that seems to be lost in a world where everything but materialism is futile.

A lot of people have their own personal demons, these can affect their Friendships, Loves, Happiness and a lot of other things in their life. I think it really is time for the world to wake up and say "you matter as well and I understand your not perfect" remember we all have our own flaws too, forgiveness is a great gift.


Friday 6 June 2008

Now Is a Good Time

Now is a great moment to live in. When we see the past as an important aspect of our being we fail to see the beauty of this moment. It deminishes our ability to appreciate the beauty in life and the positive aspects of those around us. This is also relevant to thoughts pertaining to the future.

Many people, myself included strive to be something tomorrow or remember how we blundered yesterday and let it affect our mind and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately the mind is like a child, it needs to be taught how to sit still.

With the childlike mind we find ourselves competing with our own thoughts or character. You may have trouble admitting your wrong, finding yourself in an argument and getting frustrated, getting irritated with someone and dwelling it for minutes hours days or even years. We need to let go of our ego, we need to appreciate on the things now and find joy in our everday being.

Try to let go of the past, its not something that you have control over, you can't change it but simply look for the good or the lessons that can be learned from it, allowing concious decions to be made. Try not to think too far ahead for it will leaving you wishing you were already there. Drift to far back or forward and you may find yourself stuck in the sand of samsara.


"There is never nothing happening" - The Peaceful Warrior

Sunday 9 March 2008

Musical Resources

Hey all, thought I might post some resources that every music enthusiast(mostly electronic music) needs to know about.

-  Track you played tracks, creates charts based on what you play and recommends music - Fantastic trance forum

Production: - Music production forum
Alex's FL Studio Trance Tutorial 1 2 -Basic Trance production tutorial for the newbie
Tutorial master list @

DJTutor - The best free resource for learning to DJ

The Best Feeling..

Your lying there bored out of your brains, you look to the turntables on the desk not knowing whether you can be bothered. Although you feel very lethargic you manage to walk up stand behind them and push power on the 3 components. Sitting there with the flashing lights the groovy slipmats, amd the funky sliders you cue up one of your favourite tracks.... The music plays, you get the feel for the music throw in some FX, it comes to you.. you cue the next track get it beatmatched.. 1234.. there's the cue for the transition, you move the slider the mix is going well all of a sudden BAM!!!!! your in the mix your on top of the world, what could be better than the feeling of doing what you love most? After playing several tracks your finished and your feeling so much more accomplished to what you where 30minutes ago... You didn't regret it.. You just did it!