Monday 11 October 2004

Does age matter?

Today in the world we live in, we have many restrictions to do with movies and drinking, we have many forms of discrimination including that related to age.

I think it is unfair to group people by age at all(at least to a point). Somebody at 20 might be very immature, somebody ad 16 might be very mature. It is dependant on a persons mental maturity and development alone.

If somebody who is 14 is mentally advanced they should be able to watch "R" movies. Of course when it comes to alcohol and smokes as well as pornography, this is the persons choice to watch or consume but you shouldn't interact with these objects anyway as they can be harmful.

Now the main topic that I would like to discuss is that with age relating to relationships. I think in the modern world with mature people age difference should not matter. If one person is 20 and another 35 this should be no problem, wether it is the male who is 20 or the female it honestly doesn't matter. If two people can communicate and act together in union in a stable manner this is better than a 21 yr old male getting into a rut with a 20 yr old female or visa visa.

Age simply does not matter. I think the people who judge by age or exclude people by age are as shallow as those who judge by looks and those who discriminate whites over blacks and the like.

Of course there is a limit but that is obviously common sense. But in all reality, age does not matter. Love cannot be argued with and if somebody of a greater age gives someone of a lesser age a chance and love occurs then there is nothing that should stop it.

May all those alone fine love and a true partner.

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