Saturday 16 October 2004

Fault Finders

I have just been reading and pondering on that of people who pick anothers faults and mistakes. It is not a kind or wise thing to do. Everybody makes mistakes in their life. The intention of one person may be that to help but people tend to pick the negatives in a person.

People are never perfect. I certainly am not and I invite you now to come forward with my faults, this is an invitation. I am giving this invitation for those who do come forward with my faults will not reap the bad karma of that action.

Don't look for faults in anyone, nobody should tell anybody or discuss anybodies faults, for would you like somebody to tell you all the mistakes you have ever made unintentionally? It is not your place to judge anybody for the only time that someone should look for faults is that when they Question themselves.

You are certainly not perfect and based on this you are not in the position to tell anybody they are not either. But on the other hand if someone tells you of your errors I urge you to treat it as a lesson, not a negative thing.

Please my good friends, accept people as they are. The only way someone will ever fix their faults is if they want help, if you ask for help without truly wanting to help yourself expect to hear some truths that may hurt.

May you all find peace within yourselves.

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