Monday 11 October 2004

So I woke up and....

The struggles of life, the pains in life, one of the biggest challenges we suffer in life is the attempt to get up in the morning.... Well I just made it for another day.

Now after defeating that challenge I am confronted with another, what to do today? Well obviously I am doing this right now so lets figure that out at a later stage!

What is it that makes a new day beautiful? I beleive that it is the possibility that somethng we desire might come along and slap us one, I for instance might get a call from some random girl who wants to mary me(well come on its a possibility I can dream can't I?).

But okay here is the point I want to make, you get up, your heart flutters ooo "a new day" some of us think, what makes it different to the last, and what even makes it a day... the flow between "time" everything that happens to us is the same, every atom proton and neutron that makes up one object is in essence the same as the next and beyond that which makes up the atom what is there? There is nothing! Therefore we live every day for nothing, we get excited over nothing, we expect a call from nothing. The only thing that makes something different is the way we label objects!

Right now I am sitting on nothing and typing on nothing, so on this new day in wich I am excited over nothing lets see what will happen to me(who in essence is also nothing) and lets see what I can dribbles up on my blog by the "end" of the day!

On I lighter note may all those reading this blog be blessed, there is someone out there who cares. May you find happiness and peace within yourself!

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