Wednesday 13 October 2004

Catch 22... Love Again!

Hello my friends. It has come to my light that the personality types of those simular to mine live a struggle. Of course those that have read some of my previous posts would know what personality type I am referring to... A Sucker For Love.

Not everyone is like me and not everyone who is like me does and reacts the same way as me but I have made an observation, and not a pretty one at that.

We look for love, when we find someone we tend to think nothing will never happen because it is what we may be used to, now this thought alone leads to a negative result. Also sometimes we get down, we tell these people and they must think "I don't want to be caught up with someone with these problems", also we may end up avoiding these people for a period of time because we don't want these people to think that, then they end up disliking us and thinking we were ignoring them.

Now what this means for us is that we create our own failure, through that mental reflection in our mind. As I have said the mind is the most powerful thing in the universe. We are perfectly capable of making things work my friends, we just have to work on this negative snowballing. So my friends lets try our hardest to think positive and be positive. Life is an act anyway.

May you All find love.

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