Monday 11 October 2004

LOVE LOVE, What I think love is and how beautiful it is(plus some great tips!!)

Love, the most beautiful and important thing in the world! Without love we would most likely all be dead... Well maybe we would be unevolved monkeys or something but thats beside the point. Love is very real, very powerful and very beautiful.

If there was no love there would be no peace. Love breeds tolerance. You love your friends, you "hate" your enemies. People care for their children and their partners creating beautiful unions.

I have heard its said that if you want a loyal partner mary a Swan! This is almost true for in the world today nobody works at relationships anymore. "I don't love her anymore" is a common call for someone ending a relationship... well that means your a weak mofo who should go back to the cows(sorry about the harshness). Love is a choice, this is fact, sure people may do things that result in you not loving a person anymore such as cheating or abuse. But in reality, in a relationship that is going fine, let your walls down and love a person, give them a chance and something might happen. Work at a relationship, nothing happesn without cause and a broken relationships cause is nothing... no effort, nobody trying!

If nothing is happening in a relationship and YOU are bored or you think your partner is then act and make it fun again! ITS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY

Love to me is making someone I care for happy, showing them I care, giving them my all! Taking as little from them as possible, and letting them be free. Love to me is giving someone hugs and sweet kisses, looking into their eyes knowing love exists between you. It is something I miss. But I can tell you the girl that left me I no longer love, so love does not exist there any more.... what love is not is what I feel for her, But only what I once did, I have loved two people in my lifetime(in a Swan relationship way) The first broke me and the second... I broke, she was great but we lived apart and I gave up, I was weak, she deserved better anyway, I will never leave anybody again!!

I see many people around me, I see love around me, it is a wonderful thing to watch. Don't be jealous when you are not in a relationship and see others in one for you should be happy knowing they are.

Don't ever take someone for granted, don't ever judge people by looks. The person they are is more important. Don't judge by age, for it is mental maturity that matters.

If you give your love you will gain it in return, if you give your love and do the right things by others you will surely be happy.

Love yourself for if you cannot, nobody will want to love you either.

If you crave love start looking but don't get too desperate for this results in more pain and little success.. trust me

Love may be accross the room from you, love may be next to you, be brave, just do it, talk to a person as hard as it may feel. In a room of 50 people of the opposite sex(or the same depending which way you swing) at least 10 of those could be potential partners for you, know this for it is true.

Don't get yourself in a mess by looking after someone who needs help as harsh as it may sound, if love is there its not love its infatuation, you will end up hurting(trust me). But if you really step back and know you love the person when you meet them then its worth it despite what I say. BUT if you are already in a relationship and the person you are with needs help give it your all.

Put effort into love, love love. Appreciate love and never ever give up. You will be happy with someone marvelous oneday trust me :-D

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