Monday 11 October 2004

Is life worth living for love alone?

Yes, Yes and Yes

Love, it is the basis of the human race and possibly all other forms of evolution. Love is what leads us to be happy, love in the simplest form.

What is love? Love is the desire for someone to be happy without ties, not "I love you, you love me back too". Love is not selfish, its the exact opposite. Love is what makes babies(or at least sometimes... lets not go into other ways this happens.. maybe another post). Of course love is neglected on occasion but you get that with everything.

If no human loved another or at least didn't love themselves(I will get to the reason why this breeds peace shortly) then we would of all been killed in war already.

Now if you love yourself but no other then you still wouldn't start a war, because you know that you are human, you know what it feels like and there is a chance that if you shot someone, someone else would come back and hit you with 6 bullets instead... not something you would like to happen to yourself.

Now I probably complicated things there but If I were to define humanity I would say that its just a label, but I beleive that the fact that we can surpass instinct and base our life and interactions on love alone makes us what we are(except psycopaths.. but thats another post for another day). We love and we "hate"(I don't actually beleive in hate.... I hate the word hate).

Now in my humble opinion based on what I have said, Life is worth living for love alone.

But what if the question was: Is live worth living for one person that you love alone?

I would still say yes, now if the person loves you back that would be the most wonderful reason to live, the fact you are in a great relationship.

What if love hurts you? Is live worth living then?

No, end it with a slit of the wrist now... IM JOKING(sort of). When you get hurt by love it is most possibly the most painful thing that will ever happen to you, it takes ages to recover and generally you will never be the same. But then you must say, if the person hurt me I deserve better(don't get cocky though). Go and find somebody who truly loves you and will be loyal(makes sure you are willing to do the same back though). Then once again you will be happy and have purpose!

So in conclusion the answer to my Question is YES.

Lots of Huggles go out to those that need(and want) them!

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