Thursday 14 October 2004

A Dream For the World

What could we see happening for the world? Something that will never happen in our life time, maybe not at all. People living in peace and harmony.

The various different cultures in the world, the religions, the social communities, the different views, will it ever be in harmony? I doubt it. People tend to hold on to their own views too much, they would rather hold their ego as opposed to get on with someone and be in harmony.

People need to accept each other! Right now as you are reading this post, many of your views will differ from mine and the next person who reads it , now out of all the people who are some how connected to this post can they call get on? Well in theory yes. All that needs to be done is an understanding and acceptance of the basic human existence, undersand we all just want to be happy.

We all want to be accepted we all want to be right.. right? Why? Well think about it, deep down it is because we want to be accepted, by not accepting others views its ultimately a strive for you to be accepted by making others understand and accept your aparently right view. Now does religion, skin color, sexual preference, life preference or personal views matter or need to be the same for co-existence? NO!!

Although co-existence is hard at current due to the overwheleming development of the human ego it is a possibilty. Now if we all got along we wouldn't be striving for acceptance. Life would be fun and peaceful, people wouldn't get killed during war and things would progress easier. There would be no desire for one country to have more money than the next.

Many countries today are competing for power, many people are also competing for power. Power ultimately does nothing for the only true power you have and need is that over yourself.

The material wants and desires in the world serve no real purpose, people want more and crave more, this simply makes others who do not have what you have jealous creating less peace and if you don't get what you want you can also end up in pain further.

What can we do to fix the world? Well we need to work on ourselves as individuals. Now we cannot force another person to adhere to our view and of course the only thing we can do is make and example.

Is individuality a good thing? Well as bad as this may sound NO, if we were all simular than we wouldn't be jealous of others, we wouldn't create problems. I cannot say much more but people trying to stand out from the croud creates problems for those people who are "beneath" you. All I can say is think of what you are doing when you do something, try to think of everyone and the positive effects your actions will have on the community as a whole not just the benifits for yourself.

Now my dream is for a peaceful world, we can live in harmony, help me move towards this world brothers and sisters!

If we live in peace we can develop the world more, then the aliens might give us a chance!!! :-)

May you all find peace.

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