Thursday, 15 November 2007

Expectation and Let Down

Sometimes in life we feel let down and get quite emotional about it. Someone may have promised or said they will do something but they let you down. I'm sure everyone has experienced this and been upset by this, the emotional response need not be negative.

There are a few ways to approach let down. The key element to the emotional response of being let down is expectation, when we place an expectation on an object external to our mind we will always put ourselves in a venerable position, a position to be let down. How many times do we let ourselves down? Recall ever having said you will do something for yourself and then ended up procrastinating?

How can we trust an external source to bring us happiness or content? The point is we can't. This doesn't mean we don't live life without trusting people, it simply means instead of creating expectation we just try to understand that people are not perfect, they make mistakes, get caught up in material possessions, become distracted, are sometimes forgetful and sometimes self centred.... Agreed? People are generally not like this all the time but are you perfect? How many times have you let someone down?

We project our ideals, expectations and ideas onto other people, it is likely we will eventually be "let down", be understanding however, for we ourselves are also the culprits of this "crime".

Remeber, nobody is perfect, just be happy withing yourself.

-Luzzle Pure.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Practice, Practice, Practice Some More!

In life we have things that we want to do but aren't confident with or don't have the ability to do. It may be that you have just begun a certain skill and the reason for your lack of skill is obvious. You may also have been attempting this skill for many years. A lot of people beat themselves up over not being proficient in a certain area or being incapable, this is the opposite of what is needed.

Just do it! Don't think about it, don't think ahead just do it! Maybe go back to square one, start practicing the basics, build up a solid foundation. Going back to square one can usually be of benefit.

Just keep at things and enjoy it, don't compare yourself, don't think ahead, focus on what you are doing at the moment and when you do something that you enjoy or want to be proficient at reward yourself when you are done practicing or learning!

Just chillout peeps, you don't have to be perfect or be the best straight away!

There is Always a Way Forward

Sometimes life gets you down and things come to a head, you can't see a way out. We all get down at times and find it hard to push forward but its important to remember that there is a way forward.

Sometimes you might be down for an obvious reason or down due to external factors or maybe you just feel down for no reason. Don't give up! Think of why your down. Have you ever felt this way before? What happened after? If its something beyond your control is it worth worrying about? If you have control why not do something?

Its always good to put things on paper, write down how you feel, what you want to do about it. Never give up though, this is the important thing, you are worth it and you can get through anything!

Peace Friends.

Friday, 2 November 2007

A Noteable Whinge

Just thought I might have a whinge about Daylight Savings… It sucks. Here in WA we like to be different.. We prefer not to conform to the standards of every other state/country. We do not like DLS! Damn politicians.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Luzzle Pure’s Top Tracks for week ending 30/09/07

1. Leader of the Nation - Guilt  - Trance
2. Antic - The Ultimate - Trance
3. High Contrast - The Basement Track - DnB(Liquid Funk)
4.  Blu Mar Ten - Anytime Soon (NFI Mix) - DnB(Liquid Funk)
5.  Sounds Destructive - Vitamin Funk - DnB(Liquid Funk)

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Helping Others Makes Everything Better

Helping others makes things so much better. When your down you can do many things to make yourself feel better, channeling your energy into a hobby or something creative is always good, reading, relaxing, all these things can put your mind at ease however, helping someone else can make a world of difference.

When you have compassion for others and care about them you have the ability to help them, having compassion and love for everyone is important. When you help someone else with a problem it gives you a sense of true reward. Helping others can also help solve your own problems, when the world gets you down and you channel your strength into helping someone else, the solutions you provide can help you find answers to your own problems and in most cases see that your problems can have solutions.

Offer your hand to someone in need, it will give you more benefit than you think.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

What Can I do For Myself?

Everything has come to a head, I don't know what to do. I have had two events that have shown something is seriously wrong. I have seen the relevant people and yet nothing. Am I impatient? or is there something else that needs doing? I can't be the best I can be without sorting out myself first.

My only friend at the moment is the journal next to my bed. I hope in a week things look a lot better.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

What can I do for you?

What can I do for you? It's a question and a way of thinking that I have neglected so very readily these past months or years even. People tend to focus on themselves a lot or focus on making an impression, being the centre of attention. This isn't something we generally do without realizing it, and if we do realize it, its generally too late. The good news with realizing anything is that you can at least do something.

Moving forward and realizing our mistakes is a positive step towards self improvement. I'm definitely no expert and probably could be dubbed a "slow learner" in many areas of my life. Certain events aren't worth beating yourself up and if you are going to think over and over about them, make it constructive.

In your thoughts think about where you went wrong, now ask yourself, was the focus too much on you? If yes then figure out ways of channelling your energy back out in positive ways.

Of course you can't drain your energy, you need to look after you sometimes. One cannot channel their energy outwards unless they have some inner energy to power their efforts.

The key points here are: Focus on giving, Look after yourself, Be positive.

Anyways thats enough from me. Be positive and SMILE!

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Like I Said: You Can Be What You Want to Be(Dj Luzzle P.)

As I said before my friends, you can be what you want to be and do what you want to do if you put your mind to it. For so long I have aspired to spin tunes on some decent decks whether they be CD or Vinyl and I managed to get some in the last week. Not so good yet but hopefully the huge hole that is now in my pocket will pay off and, even if it doesn't, I can make the money back by selling them.

Friends I implore you to follow your dreams, don't think things are unrealistic, if you sit down and think about things and plan them out most things are achievable. Decide on a plan A. then a plan B. the plan B being your backup escape plan in case things go bums up.

Life is too short to live in a cycle controlled by dollar values. Don't live an average life: going to work, making your company money, going home, and then paying bills. Live it to the full, find a way to get somewhere you truly want to be!

Peace Friends!

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Still Holding On

The problem with relationships is that we get used to what we have and when it goes we miss it. Once we are forced to move on from someone we sometimes try to replace it by looking for the traits of our previous partner in someone else. Unfortunately looking for this is unproductive and causes us more pain than its worth. The key is to let go and move on from what you had with that person.

The advice I give to those who start looking back on their past relationship when with a new partner is stick it out, some people tend to give in on new relationships because they think that a new one wont be as rewarding as the previous one but sometimes forcing yourself to see the new person for who they are and seeing if you like what they are can be the best way to get over someone.

Getting over someone who you have loved an incredible amount can be a big effort but it is possible if you first realize your not over them. Come one all you people with broken hearts, smile and look to bring down your walls.

Thursday, 14 June 2007


We run away everyday, we try to hide from our problems. I have spoken about this before but people have the tendency of cover up their problems in some even more dangerous ways. Pain can be hard to handle but it is definitely not something you want to cover up with an altered state of mind.

Drugs can be a good "party-goers recreational tool" but they should not be used with an extreme frequency and should not be used when you are feeling low. People who use drugs of any form are using them as some form of escapism but people who use them to cover up feelings could be forming a dangerous psychological addiction.

Face your problems in the real world because when you make them go away by the use of drugs, life just gets harder and harder and so does the addiction.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Bottling Things Up

People have a tendency to hold things back and let them boil inside. We may have for example lost a love one. After initially feeling the pain we then hold it back so that we can apparently "move forward through life". Unfortunately this method of coping with things is unproductive and does more damage than good.

When you hold things back you put up walls that you may not be aware that you have built. You may not be able to let new things into your life. Accepting the fact that what you have lost is gone, reflecting on the good times and harbouring the memory is the only thing I can recommend that you do. If we live life by ignoring the pain, ignoring the feelings we have and trying to erase memories we will fall into a pit that we may not be able to escape from. Face the pain for it is an experience worth having to move forward, but make sure you harbour the acceptance of loss as soon as you are ready.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Where to Go

Life is full of bumps and hurdles, we go through so much and a lot of the time we never know what we want. We think about what we can achieve, what would make us happy, but we also seem to have trouble finding it. Is it as simple as just coming to terms with what we already have? Can we get past all these difficulties and these pains and "just be"?

These are questions I am not going to try and answer for everyone is at a different level. Everyone needs to find what makes them happy but I would suggest looking inside yourself instead of out. Try to come to terms with what has been and gone, what you have lost, where you are now and what you have.

Life can be wonderful at times, just think positive and never too far forward.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


Its an odd feeling, a feeling of just "being", you just do what you feel like doing, you do whatever feels fitting. You do what you have to when you have to but nothing seems to matter but, its not in a way thats bad... it "just is".  You don't care where you end up, you don't care what your doing, its like your observing reality just pass by and you can only nudge it to steer it in the right direction.

How do you escape it? Do you want to? To just let it be or to try and steer yourself back to the reality you are used to... Where has it all gone?

Friday, 25 May 2007


Feelings emotions fade in an out,
The past thats follows me,
Love lost in my ear it shouts,
Look there and see,
Move forward for the past is history.

Friday, 18 May 2007

You Can Have Success and Find Love

In life we get to down on ourselves, we always say "I wish" but never look to what we can actually do to get to a destination. Success isn't that unachievable like I mentioned in an earlier post. All one has to do in life is find what it is one can have and find out what one needs to do to get to their destination.

You must not let negative thoughts ever get in your way, this is critical. The path to a destination usually never goes without problems but if you truly aim towards your goal and hurdle or roadblock is passable.

Certain journeys however may require one to just be patient and use the focus of your mind to achieve them. The mind is a powerful thing. Finding love is one of those things you need to be patient with but it will come, just keep wanting it but maybe stop looking for it, ignore it for a while and it should come to your door looking to be let in with loving arms.

I again implore everyone out there to never give up on their dreams and never stop pushing through live aiming towards their goals. Start waiting for love and stop looking, keep being positive and keep wanting it but don't put your focus on one thing.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Aim For the Skies

If you have a dream I emplore you to follow it. So many people today are unhappy in situations they wish they weren't in, they may have a job but not a career. If you find something that you are enjoy or think you would enjoy do it. Finding something in life that has purpose is important for a happy life.

I have found in life that some things are worth going for, life can be a tough one. Studying is one of those things that one needs to learn to do for example. If you have found it hard to focus on things in life or have had to many distractions to study towards a dream career throw away all the frustration and do it anyway, set time aside for yourself and put your mind to it, anyone is capable of success.

For those out there who need that little bit of extra motivation I will tell you: YOU CAN DO IT. Throw away those things in your life that are a little bit depressing and a little bit unhealthy and make your life so much better!

Life is great and you can be too! Look to the skies and rise high, you can keep flying and not have to come down.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Respect and Understanding

There are some people in the world who apply labels to others and judge people for doing things. They associate people with certain groups and think themselves in a place that is right to judge. I have been judged and judged again but do people understand others? Do they really know themselves?

I have come across people who aren't really their own person, they go through life thinking they are in control, stating what they believe in but they themselves are being controlled by others. They can't make their own decisions they listen to others and some of those others do things they state they themselves would never do. They are oblivious to the fact that they should be accepting these people as friends but not as advisors.

People should have respect and understanding for others but they should try and understand the person they are dealing with, instead of taking advice from them when they are incapable of providing well formed advice on what you are asking.

People ared strange beings, avoid forming strong relationships with those who cannot get through life on their own.

Don’t Look for Love

Looking for love is, as I have learned something that is very unproductive. It is finally that I have given up looking, I simply do not care anymore. You try ever so hard with all your imperfections but whatever you find.. it falls over and you get nowhere.

You find someone that you care for deeply but they end up leaving you, running away, you endure the most painful and impossible scenarios but its not you at fault anymore.. you shouldn't of even tried as the other person is never as willing as you are.

You think you have gotten past the pain but then out of nowhere.. a dream comes with a depressing opening of your eyes into the world, you wish that you had never met that person, you wish you really were over them.

You finally accept that you are still not over them accepting that it may take some more time, don't look for love let it look for you because if you look for love your curse will be pain looking for you.

Thursday, 1 March 2007


Something random for the day, things are what we perceive them to be and nothing else.

Ever been sitting around and getting all paranoid about what the people across the room are saying about you? Sometimes you crazy nuts might even start thinking that this little fantasy you just created was real and true.

In life we need to be open to interpretation, people take offense to things or assume things because they delude themselves and perceive things their own way, choose to let go and try to see things as they really are, be more mindful of situations so you can enjoy life more, at the very least delude yourself into thinking nobody dislikes you and be nice to them(don't get a big ego though).

A Little Lost

So as of late I have been having much trouble figuring out what on earth I want to write about, I used to have this strategy of self help and philosophical article writing but now I'm so random and unfocused its not funny.

The worst thing is I think my posts are starting to become the stuff that you tend to get on one of those "normal" blogs, urgh what is the world coming to?

Anyways thats my little piece of nonsense for the moment, if you people would like to throw something romantic, philosophical or would like to risk asking me for advice on something throw it in a comment(see for past work) Come on guys get my back together!

Tuesday, 27 February 2007


Hey all, I just randomly felt like writing something about music, I am not going to drabble on about which genre is best or whose the greatest artist but instead just that music rocks.

Most music seems to have emotion and art in it, in this sense most people can appreciate more than one genre even if they don't like it, I myself although a Trance fan appreciate Classical, Jazz, Rock, Hip Hop and a lot of other genres and in fact I like most of those genres as well, when you listen to a song to hear it for its story or to hear it for what it tells you, you are really doing something special and you could be learning about yourself too.

Its amazing how one song can resemble happiness at a time of being okay and sadness when you are sad, don't you love listening to songs that perk you up? Doesn't it amaze you how so many people like different genres and different songs?

I just think music is amazing! Everyone crank their tunes!

Listening to: Push - Strange World (2002 Remake)

Pointless Blobble

Hey everyone welcome to my new blog, this site will be mirroring with some added extras. I hope everyone enjoys my randomness, possible depth and lack thereof and whatever the hell I write about, stay tuned!

Listening to: Push - Strange World (2002 Remake)