Tuesday 10 July 2007

Still Holding On

The problem with relationships is that we get used to what we have and when it goes we miss it. Once we are forced to move on from someone we sometimes try to replace it by looking for the traits of our previous partner in someone else. Unfortunately looking for this is unproductive and causes us more pain than its worth. The key is to let go and move on from what you had with that person.

The advice I give to those who start looking back on their past relationship when with a new partner is stick it out, some people tend to give in on new relationships because they think that a new one wont be as rewarding as the previous one but sometimes forcing yourself to see the new person for who they are and seeing if you like what they are can be the best way to get over someone.

Getting over someone who you have loved an incredible amount can be a big effort but it is possible if you first realize your not over them. Come one all you people with broken hearts, smile and look to bring down your walls.

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