Friday, 24 December 2004

New Site

Hey all, anyone who just randomly decided to check my work there is good news. I have started writing/blogging at the new "Masters of Trance" site. Site isn't perfect but its gettings there.

Content at the site consists of FAQs, humorous and serious, stories by the members and admins, computer gaming related content and of course Music related material. There are also forums with various categories.

Swing by and check it out, hope you all enjoy.

MOT - Masters Of Trance

Tuesday, 19 October 2004

How to React to Difficult People

In life you will come accross many difficul and unsettleing people. They will try to get you worked up and try to bring you down and make you unhappy just as they are. I am about address how I think is the best way to deal with this people.

When a person challenges you in a way that is hostile, walk away and back out, if you are called a name, walk away. The best thing to do is give the attacker victory, this causes them no harm and makes them think about what they have done.

It is almost automatic to react to challenges. We must clear the mind and work on dealing with this people in a positive way. If we do react to them negatively we are ultimately causing them me pain as well as you more pain.

As hard as it sounds there are more benefits in reacting postively to someone then negatively. Give it a go my friends, let your egos drop for a day and see how it feels. This practice will also help you be more tolerant to your friends on, you will be able to deal with them more if they have a bad day. It will also help you be more tolerant to new people you meet.

May you all be peaceful.

Saturday, 16 October 2004

Fault Finders

I have just been reading and pondering on that of people who pick anothers faults and mistakes. It is not a kind or wise thing to do. Everybody makes mistakes in their life. The intention of one person may be that to help but people tend to pick the negatives in a person.

People are never perfect. I certainly am not and I invite you now to come forward with my faults, this is an invitation. I am giving this invitation for those who do come forward with my faults will not reap the bad karma of that action.

Don't look for faults in anyone, nobody should tell anybody or discuss anybodies faults, for would you like somebody to tell you all the mistakes you have ever made unintentionally? It is not your place to judge anybody for the only time that someone should look for faults is that when they Question themselves.

You are certainly not perfect and based on this you are not in the position to tell anybody they are not either. But on the other hand if someone tells you of your errors I urge you to treat it as a lesson, not a negative thing.

Please my good friends, accept people as they are. The only way someone will ever fix their faults is if they want help, if you ask for help without truly wanting to help yourself expect to hear some truths that may hurt.

May you all find peace within yourselves.

Friday, 15 October 2004

How to be Happy

The following post is not to be taken lightly. I must advise all content written is that of a view I hold, it may not work for you and you may also disagree to some of my views. The following I have discovered through my life which I still have much to live. I hope it does help some of you to be happy.

Happiness is sometimes something hard to obtain, now it goes without saying you don't get something for nothing. Happiness isn't something that you just let in or that just comes. In essence you make you happy, you are the only person with this power.

You may say a certain sound is annoying you but this is simply because you are letting it, if you can let the sound in and just let it pass through you as hard as it may sound you will become much calmer. Now the best way I have discovered to calm the mind is meditation and chanting, many things can be relaxing, and by relaxing I mean relaxing not lazing. Work, Meditation, Writing. Many things can calm the mind down. I believe it is essential to have a calm mind to stay happy.

Somebody annoys you? Is it this persons fault they annoy you? NO!! now if this person annoys you whether they are doing it on purpose or not, it will upset your mental state.. but it is because you are not in a decent mental state that they annoy you. You can accept things and just live without making everything seem hostile.

Unfortunately controlling the mind to be happy is not an easy task and it really does need you to start looking at yourself a lot more. When you get annoyed or upset step back and ask yourself how this is happening, then ask yourself how you can fix it, now I don't mean go and smack the person who is making you annoyed in the nose so they shut up, I mean an internal fix, take some deep breaths and focus your mind on positive thoughts.

A good way to be happy is to just be positive, also if you do things for others it is very fulfilling and it has always been said what you give out you get back(Karma).

Do not resort to external things for your happiness. Why do certain people make you happy? Because you let them, not because they are special. Why is it that one of your friends is made happy by you and they make you happy, but that friends friend makes your friend happy but not you? Because you make let them annoy you, its that simple.

Now it has been tested(As from "The Art Of Happiness") that if you Said to yourself, I wish I was [X] everyday then you will be unhappy, but if you said I'm glad I'm not [x] then you will appreciate life more. Be more accepting of life and don't take things for granted as much. Many people are born with disabilities, what about third world countries and countries at war? You really have the life of luxury! Be grateful for the life you live.

Mind is over matter, so if you can say to yourself I will be happy, I will accept this person, then you will, the mind is the big tool for your happiness!

Never expect anything from anybody or anywhere, this will lead to your own demise. You can only rely on yourself for happiness and this is fact. Love yourself, meet yourself, look at yourself.. this is the only way.

If somebody gets angry at you or bullies you, let them win, it may make you upset but it is better than getting angry and gaining the bad Karma from this situation, if you let someone win you will gain back good Karma (this is very hard even I find this hard to do).

I think for now this is all I can say about Happiness, I may be back with more.

I hope this was insightful for some of you and may you all be happy!

Related posts by me:
What is real Happiness?

Life Is Ever Changing

Nothing in life ever stays the same. You can rarely trust anybody, you can rarely expect anything back from anybody without getting hurt. This is a painful fact of life.

The title probably could be and very much is impermanence. Your mind is ever changing you will never be the same person ever, the things you see and have lived, the new decisions that you make every second change you the atoms and the blood in your body is always different every moment.

Now when it comes to relating to people be cautions, for they change themselves all the times, this may be to their own demise but if you have created some attachment to them then you will end up severely hurt. I have found this in my life, my heart was once torn in two after a person I cared for changed.

The only person you can only really trust is yourself! you know who you are, or at least you can discover yourself with a little effort and some green tea(really it helps :-P), you can see who you truly are.

Like a rivers molecules are ever chaning so are the people around you. One day you may be their best friends for whatever reason, the next you may do something with good intention and end up their worst enemy. Be cautions of how you associate with people.

Every action you perform, this affects your changes to yourself and those of the people around you, be cautious of the changes in the river of life you make with your actions.

Creating attachment and relationships with other beings is almost unavoidable in life, now there is, in essence no problem with this. But it is the extent to which you create the relationship and of course the intensity, this person may die suddenly, how do you feel? As harsh as it sounds this is a possibility. You must understand things in life, and understand your ever changing self to really be able to accept the hardest outcomes in life.

Be a mirror unto yourself, whenever you change clothes you can see wether you like them or not... see your changes in yourself, ask yourself are they good or bad and make the correct amendments! You will never be perfect, but the most perfect person is that whom can see and fix his own problems.

Do not try and fix others problems, for with your imperfections you are certainly not qualified, accept the everchanging state of life, and the imperfections in life, for it is the imperfections in life that make it interesting and challenging.

Don't drown in the river of life friends, flow with it for resistance, a desire to stay were you are will only make you sink. Float and follow the flow, this is the path to the ocean of happiness!

May you all Be Happy


Hello my friends, I am just writing to discuss sex. Now I feel that today in society that Sex has become very abused. Now of course sex should be fun and when you are in the right circumstances anything can happen with the right person, but I feel that the way it is exploited with no self respect or respect for others is a bug poblem.

Now to me Sex honestly is something you only do with a person you care for. You use it to express how you love the person or even to just have a jolly good time with them.. but I feel that it essentially should only be done with those you care for.

Now in society today we have many people sleeping around and just being irresponsible. I think it is sad to an extent but in essence it is also just something material that you may end up regreting too. There are so many STDs going around and too many nasty little things. This of course isnt the only reason not to stop and not the most important but as you have been told numerous times it is a good reason to be careful.

Now I used to hold the view that sex is only for baby making... I threw that away because I think it is such a beautiful act. The intensity between two people during passionate sex is marvelous. The relationship that develops during fun sex is very strong also. But I do beleive when this act is commited you are releasing a part of yourself to this person.

All I can say is be careful of that which you do for it could lead to yourself, really look at this act of love and try and apply it in the right way with the right person.

May you all be at peace.

Thursday, 14 October 2004

The God Syndrome

You may be wandering what I mean by the title. Simply what I am about to address is the human strive and crave for power and the desire to be number one as well as the ego.

Now honestly I do not know what creates a person who wants to have all the power, personally I think it is best to be simple and happy then powerful and well.. not so happy.

People desire power for acceptance, to be best, to be spiteful maybe even vengeful. Now of course in some situations you need somebody to be designated the controller over a certain element, such as the workplace with your boss and the like.

Have you ever had somebody stand over you, this person thinks they are more superior or better than you? Well never fear, don't get upset by this. Generally the people who do this are not happy.

I think it is part of someones search for happiness that develops the God Syndrome. People who fail happiness or resort to materialism at an early age may want general power as an attempt to fix their unhappiness. With power comes money also and with money comes more material possesions.. and of course more desire and pain.

Now generally people are not aware that materialism creates suffering, people keep indulging knowing only that short term good. Its like having some chocolate or a good tasting junk food, there are good results at that time and you generally only see the good until you are educated about the bad effects.

These people may never find happiness for they have created their own self suffering, their own pain and loop. The only thing we can do is be kind to them and attempt to teach them through example and interaction.

Competition can be good in life but there is always bred someone who wants to be number one, and of course being number one can start the God Syndrome off as well. Competition is aimed to be friendly these days but it truly never will be. The systems we use Gold, Silver Bronze, it always make you strive to be the best. If you beleive you are good and get 4th then you get hurt.

I honestly have nothing that I can say that you can use to apply this information to your life except maybe try yo be aware of yourself developing this and also be understanding of people with this suffering.

May you all be happy and live in peace.

What is real Happiness?

Well here is a hard question. It is obvious that there are various different types of happiness induced by different things. Each happiness has its benefits or negatives.

Material Happiness. Material happiness is basically a kind of rush that is brought on from gaining something you wanted or desired, if you wanted a new computer and you finally got one you would be happy. Now even though your material desire was satisifed humans get bored of things easy, and this leads to the wanting and craving of even more material possesions. Now this happiness does not last, it lasts for a short time then you want more things creating more pain, or even if you are content with what you have there is the fact of impermance, it truly is impossible to create a relationship with anything because everything is ever changing.

Now there is another happiness on what I could say is based on love. This is the happiness of seeing your loved ones happy, this is also based sometimes on them making you happy, now personally I like this form of happiness but it can bring you down too. When you get attached to a certain person they may leave you or die, or sometimes be mean to you, now more often than not this will make you very unhappy. There is also the relationships you created with generally everyone around you and very often this can lead you to blame somebody for something that happens to you.. again more suffering is created.

Now the last happiness I would like to discuss is contentment with self. The only true way to keep your happiness up is to be content with yourself, you must be happy with yourself as you are. Now based on this I don't mean go out and get on a ego trip... this is simular to material happiness and will get you hurt. What I mean is be happy with yourself, realise that you can make others happy also for giving is also another way to be truly happy. If you can give yourself to others in the end you will be truly happy, you must accept your actions as your own, do not create blame, just be and live.

You can apply the last happiness type to the relationship category too, accepting responsibility for your own actions, also when somebody yells at you or gets snappy you can look at them knowing that they are not perfect as you are not, ask yourself why they are like this and maybe help or just leave it bee without getting offended. There is much more to this than can be said in this post.

I hope you all find happiness with yourself.

A Dream For the World

What could we see happening for the world? Something that will never happen in our life time, maybe not at all. People living in peace and harmony.

The various different cultures in the world, the religions, the social communities, the different views, will it ever be in harmony? I doubt it. People tend to hold on to their own views too much, they would rather hold their ego as opposed to get on with someone and be in harmony.

People need to accept each other! Right now as you are reading this post, many of your views will differ from mine and the next person who reads it , now out of all the people who are some how connected to this post can they call get on? Well in theory yes. All that needs to be done is an understanding and acceptance of the basic human existence, undersand we all just want to be happy.

We all want to be accepted we all want to be right.. right? Why? Well think about it, deep down it is because we want to be accepted, by not accepting others views its ultimately a strive for you to be accepted by making others understand and accept your aparently right view. Now does religion, skin color, sexual preference, life preference or personal views matter or need to be the same for co-existence? NO!!

Although co-existence is hard at current due to the overwheleming development of the human ego it is a possibilty. Now if we all got along we wouldn't be striving for acceptance. Life would be fun and peaceful, people wouldn't get killed during war and things would progress easier. There would be no desire for one country to have more money than the next.

Many countries today are competing for power, many people are also competing for power. Power ultimately does nothing for the only true power you have and need is that over yourself.

The material wants and desires in the world serve no real purpose, people want more and crave more, this simply makes others who do not have what you have jealous creating less peace and if you don't get what you want you can also end up in pain further.

What can we do to fix the world? Well we need to work on ourselves as individuals. Now we cannot force another person to adhere to our view and of course the only thing we can do is make and example.

Is individuality a good thing? Well as bad as this may sound NO, if we were all simular than we wouldn't be jealous of others, we wouldn't create problems. I cannot say much more but people trying to stand out from the croud creates problems for those people who are "beneath" you. All I can say is think of what you are doing when you do something, try to think of everyone and the positive effects your actions will have on the community as a whole not just the benifits for yourself.

Now my dream is for a peaceful world, we can live in harmony, help me move towards this world brothers and sisters!

If we live in peace we can develop the world more, then the aliens might give us a chance!!! :-)

May you all find peace.

Wednesday, 13 October 2004

Cause and Effect

A tree falls, it didn't happen for no reason, why did this tree fall? Was it termites, loose soil? It could of been many things but all we can know for sure is that there was a reason for it to fall. Everything happens for a reason, and everything happens based on an original cause.

When someone leaves you in a relationship there is a cause, usually it is something to do with something you have done or not done. If you get hit by a car it is ultimately your fault for being in a position to be hit by the car. A rock falls and hits you, whose fault was it? it was yours for being there. Why did it fall? Because it was dropped or because your Karma created a reason for it to fall.

Now how can you apply this to life? Basically what I can say is that nothing happens without cause. If you want money or love, it won't just come to you magically, an email will not arrive saying I want to give you 3,400,000 Pounds without initial cause. If you want something in your life make a cause, perform an action, talk to people, work, and plan things out.

The best way to put it is, Get off your bum and do something so something good will happen to you!!!

May you all perform the actions for the cause of your own happiness.

The Mind is Big.. REAL BIG!!!!

The mind, it is a seperate entity to your body, it is your conciousness. The mind is where you think, its not the brain for that is physical but the mind.

Now when you think something based on what you see or no the mind makes it real, when you see something and the mind sees it, the mind makes it real. The mind makes the world go round... your world.

If you wanted to heal yourself just think it! The mind can make you stronger, weaker, healthier, sicker. The power of thought is amazing. If you think and beleive "I will find someone this week" it will happen, trust me.

Don't forget there is Karma related to the mind too, some things may be harder to get due to previous actions you have carried out. But if you do right and continue to think of others, what you wish will come to you one day.

Every Action has a reaction, and using the mind to beleive is the action, the reaction is simply a positive result. Now know your limits, don't get your hopes up based on someone elses commitements, just know something will happen, something you know can happen, this is all it takes.

The mind really is the biggest and most powerful think in the universe, It is your most powerful tool, use it well and you will be happy.

Catch 22... Love Again!

Hello my friends. It has come to my light that the personality types of those simular to mine live a struggle. Of course those that have read some of my previous posts would know what personality type I am referring to... A Sucker For Love.

Not everyone is like me and not everyone who is like me does and reacts the same way as me but I have made an observation, and not a pretty one at that.

We look for love, when we find someone we tend to think nothing will never happen because it is what we may be used to, now this thought alone leads to a negative result. Also sometimes we get down, we tell these people and they must think "I don't want to be caught up with someone with these problems", also we may end up avoiding these people for a period of time because we don't want these people to think that, then they end up disliking us and thinking we were ignoring them.

Now what this means for us is that we create our own failure, through that mental reflection in our mind. As I have said the mind is the most powerful thing in the universe. We are perfectly capable of making things work my friends, we just have to work on this negative snowballing. So my friends lets try our hardest to think positive and be positive. Life is an act anyway.

May you All find love.

Tuesday, 12 October 2004

Hugs are Best

Kisses, Hugs, Sex, Making Out. All those things come in a relationship. All those things mean something. Kissing can be wonderful, kissing can be passionate, romantic, it can be all sorts of things. Making Out can be for fun, it can be before sex it can be intense. Sex can be the ultimate union to show you care, it can be real or it could be for a good time. But hugs, hugs are something special. You can hug up to somebody in bed knowing you love each other, you can hug in public, you can hug someone you care about because you feel like it and you can mix hugs with kisses.

Hugging is beautiful and I think it beauty has been lost. People care too much about being sexual, and with this in mind its usually done just for fun or pleasure. I think hugs are amazing.

The moments you are with somebody, the moment you hold them being close to them. Knowing you love that person and that you will be together for ever. Knowing that you can work through things.

Hugs are truly beautiful. Let us reach out, tell the person you love how you feel and just open your arms. Tell that person you love them for they may never know and you may miss out. Get out there and find yourself someone to make sweet huggles with!!!

My Illusion

My Illusion Is my Life
Love Is my Blindfold
When I am Blindfolded I see no Illusion
When I see No Illusion I make my own
Take my Illusion Away From me or Just give me Love

The Love We Should Give

What is love? Love is the desire for someone close to be happy, it is the desire for someone you know to succeed.

What is a typical scenario for love?
You "fall" in love with another person then you get on well for a while before things start going down hill. One person leaves or cheats and the other gets hurt. Now the person who leaves obviously is not commiting but the person who got hurt, they should be happy for the other person.

Now in a modern day, relationships don't last, love happens in seconds and people see sex as nothing more but recreation.

Now obviously love should be unconditional, or maybe thats not so obvious. Now you ask how can you love somebody that spends no time with you or doesn't buy you things? Well simply put you should Love a person no matter what their problems are and no matter what they do.

If you set a homing pigeon free it will come back but if you lock it up in a cage forever at any opurtunity it has, it will try and run. Do not place boundaries on your partner. Do not expect things from them. Just let them be free.

Now you may say what about commitment? What about all the other things? Well of course I would agree commitment is important, if you commit to each other freely(notice the key word) then that will make the relationship that much calmer and wonderful. But what else is important? Communication! I think one of the first things that should be established in a relationship is communication, get up there talk to the person. If you communicate you can tell each other how you feel about certain things without getting in a rut.

Nobody loves me what can I do?.... How about love yourself! Im sure if you give yourself the chance you can always love yourself. Of course if you don't love yourself that makes you less attractive to a potential partner for they see you have no stability. Just love yourself, it feels good and is very important for stable mental health.

Now I don't want you to take anything I have said and blow it out of proportion, just take it and understand it on the simplest level. Of course this view I hold may be different to many others but it is the view I find logical.

May you all find happiness.

Departure for the Night

Although I do not feel like sleeping, and with my insomniac ways I must get some sleep or at least try. You see my friends I work in a call centre, tomorrow I start work at 1600Hrs and I must be fit to handle the arrogant customers or else I will lose my Job.

It was very good having somewhat of an audience today and reading some of the interesting blogs I found.

Todays new blogs of interest:
- Maruk - My Point of View
- RothDork

Most thought about topic today was:

Most active post is:
Religious War.. What is it good for?

Ending feeling of the day:
Pleased to be meeting new people, craving love the same as usual

Ending Note:
May all that come into contact with my entries be somehow touched, not be me or my writing for I have no power, but by something or someone special. May all those out there find love. May you all find happiness and peace. It is that which you deserve.

See you all tomorrow my readers and friends

Monday, 11 October 2004

What you cannot proove I do not beleive!

I just thought I might throw some oldies into a Dance Club to see what would happen and here it is:

Now say somebody told me that there is a Ghost in the next room. Do I beleive this person. They truly beleive they saw it, maybe they did, maybe they were deluded, maybe they are just taking the mickey but I choose to beleive or not to beleive them. Now I could go and see for myself and if I didnt see it obviously it is not real right?

To an extent this is all very true. What you cannot see you should not beleive. You must learn things for yourself and see proof to be genuinely beleiving something. Now I could say to you right now In my bank account I have $1000 and I will give that to the first person who asks(don't ask I spent my last pay already). Do you beleive me? Probably not.

Do you beleive in Aliens or Ghosts? The most suitable answer to that Question is, they are a possibility! There is NO solid proof(yet) that they exist(or at least proof we have access to) and there is nothing that can proove their non-existence.

You could have much aparent proof of somethings existence but what real proof is evidence? Unless you have truly seen something for yourself you cannot beleive it existed and be able to substantiate that claim.

I cannot make any claims to say that there is a God, but here is my claim, I am God, I know it. This isn't some power hungry ego trip, what it means is that what I see I choose to beleive and what I do is my choice, everything that happens to me is ultimately my choice. This is my truth! be your own God!

War fixes everything

War really is a great invention. Its like murder only legal. One country thinks of a reason to invade another, goes in and kills masses of people including people from both sides. On the one hand you have the invaders thinking they have good cause to try and capture a country but on the other you have the other wanting tue freedom and trying to defend themselves. Both parties may be wrong or right and both with almost certainly beleive in what they are fighting for.

Im sure one country could find a legitimate reason to invade any other country if they really wanted to, as long as the motivation was there... greed, power or just general craziness.

Surely there must be peaceful resolutions to many situations. Now personally I beleive every living being is entitled to its own life. Now it is not our decision to take any life away from any being. When it comes to murder is it legal? No.. why? Well would you like your life taken away from you? You may say that some laws take away our own free will, this is true but this law, it prevents free will from being taken, if you loose your life do you have free will any longer?

Now I take two situations for example:
1. One person says something another doesn't agree with, the person who doesn't agree then argues the point and it gets very tense and hostile
2. Same situation as above but the person who doesn't agree accepts the other persons view and does not confront them

Now in the first situation both parties could get very hurt and upset but in the second both parties are accepting of each other(and their views) and nobody gets hurt.

Now when it comes to war, it should be fought on the cyber battlefield or not at all as opposed to messing with real life. Technically George W Bush and John Howard are murderers, they sent their men into battle getting some of those men killed and the men from other countries. I do not beleive in the death sentence but GW Bush does and of all people he deserves it more than anybody based on his own actions.

I will take another example. China invades Tibet, Tibet would like to be free but they try their hardest to avoid a confronting and hostile situation, still China invades, what Tibet does is very admirable, they walk away. Now you may say "but they lost their country", but the answer to that is "but they didnt loose their lives"

The lives of all beings are valuable. Do not support war, it is dangerous. I urge all to accept others as equal and allow others to be entitled to their own opinion, if you can see that someone may react in a hostile way to a certain view you hold do not express it.

May you all live in harmony with each other.

Does age matter?

Today in the world we live in, we have many restrictions to do with movies and drinking, we have many forms of discrimination including that related to age.

I think it is unfair to group people by age at all(at least to a point). Somebody at 20 might be very immature, somebody ad 16 might be very mature. It is dependant on a persons mental maturity and development alone.

If somebody who is 14 is mentally advanced they should be able to watch "R" movies. Of course when it comes to alcohol and smokes as well as pornography, this is the persons choice to watch or consume but you shouldn't interact with these objects anyway as they can be harmful.

Now the main topic that I would like to discuss is that with age relating to relationships. I think in the modern world with mature people age difference should not matter. If one person is 20 and another 35 this should be no problem, wether it is the male who is 20 or the female it honestly doesn't matter. If two people can communicate and act together in union in a stable manner this is better than a 21 yr old male getting into a rut with a 20 yr old female or visa visa.

Age simply does not matter. I think the people who judge by age or exclude people by age are as shallow as those who judge by looks and those who discriminate whites over blacks and the like.

Of course there is a limit but that is obviously common sense. But in all reality, age does not matter. Love cannot be argued with and if somebody of a greater age gives someone of a lesser age a chance and love occurs then there is nothing that should stop it.

May all those alone fine love and a true partner.

My Notes On Buddhism #01

I have discovered my little book of Wisdom, was actually started this year when I was living in WA. I will attempt to write and put as much meaning to all the notes I have here. Some of the Information was noted from the FPMT Centre in Bunbury and some are self notes.

Now Buddhism is a very beautiful religion or philosophy as some call it. It deals with the life you live now. Not your future not your past but the present moment, It doesn't make claims about God or the afterlife and it does't reject any of those claims either. Buddhism is very compatible with many other religions in the world too. Buddhism deals with happiness and how to obtain the highest form of happiness also. Buddha was not a God he was just a man, he never claimed to be anything more. If you want to see proof that Buddhas teachings work just try them yourself. But as I said Buddhism simply is just being, living the now in the simplest way. At least this is what Buddhism is to me.

Buddhism Notes

The Three Marks of Existence:
pain, impermanence, egolessness.

Everything is impermanent, A brick, a loved one, a car. A permanent relationship with anything is not possible

Internet Reference to the Three Marks of Existence:

The Four Noble Truths:
1. Life is frustrating and painful
2. All suffering has a cause
3. The cause of suffering has an end
4. The path to end the cause of suffering - Meditation

Internet Reference to the Four Noble Truths:

The Mind:
The mind is the biggest thing in the world. The mind is the cause of suffering, happiness and all other things. The mind is a seperate entity to the body.

The mind is powerful enough to heal the body, the mind is powerful enough to kill.

Avoid unwholesome states in the mind, also make sure you do something about any negativity in the mind.

The Five Precepts:
-Avoid taking the life of other beings
-Avoid taking things not given
-Avoid Sensual misconduct(includes but not limited to sexual misconduct)
-Refrain from false speech
-Abstain from mind altering substances

Internet Reference to the Five Precepts:

Best Resource:
Aside from the above the best place to locate information and a good starting point for beginners or people interested in Buddhism is the following link:

I do have other notes but they are extensive notes form various sessions I have attended. It would take much time to change them into a valid format. Also much I have read I have not taken notes on. I am not an expert on the Dhamma so I do not see myself qualified to write about various things I have learnt in this post on Buddhism. You will probably see other texts about what I have learnt in life itself in the future.

Hope this made interesting reading for you all

Does being informed really help the world?

Sitting here pondering on the news, of all things!

Now if you know that two planes have crashed into the two biggest towers in the world, would this affect you? Does it make you feel happy? No. But isn't that what the intention of the people who executed this mad plan intended?

If you were a terrorist would it not be more motivating to do something terrible knowing that it will be almost instantly broadcasted over the world?

Hijack a plane... nah the people on it aren't important... but wait it will go over the news!!! Our organisation will be feared after that!

....All of a sudden something bad happens.
Channel 7, WIN, GWN, CBS, FOX... "Something Terrible has Happened in [Country] "

All of a sudden you see this on TV your heart drops, All of a Sudden the mastermind behind this event sees this and they feel accomplished(in a sick way of course). Its the reality of things.

In conclusion I suppose as dumb as it may sound for me to say this but the news breeds terrorists! Its true, think about it.

Religious War.. What is it good for?


I find myself looking at various religions and people practicing these religions everyday. We seem to create a lot of dribble about nothing.

Now I would like you to step back and look at the essence of any real religion, does it not generally teach you how to be happy or at least co-exist with others, does it not have guidelines about avoiding war and violence. Yes all religions follow the same principle.

Have you ever been in a religious argument you wish you never got yourself into? Many of us have but they can get very deep and even nasty. Practitioners of any religion would believe theirs to be the only right religion but if one religion is older or another has more people does this make it right? No.

What is the right religion? Whatever is best for you! I am not religious I’m Buddhist (go figure) but I am totally accepting of all other religions, to the extent that I know a little about most of the major religions and accept them. What am I not accepting of? Some of the people practicing these religions.

Now many people try to force their views on others, many people follow a religion without really knowing much about others. Many make claims about other religions without real background knowledge. Just don't do it, people are entitled to their own free will and if they really wanted to know they would ask or go and research the religion themselves.

If you are a follower of one religion and someone is not your religion… no matter what yours says don’t force anything upon them. If somebody falls from your religion based on their own free will, let them, they are not your responsibility. If someone doesn’t believe in God, let them for God is not proven(get back to me on that one if you have any proof).

Keep your beliefs to yourself unless asked to express them in a certain way… but if you don’t agree with me in this belief go stick it(sorry for the bluntness).

Religion is not worth getting into wars about, even just arguments, learn from others religions, follow your own, and be accepting of people, not what people follow. Love everyone you meet, and avoid pointless religious discussions. Be open, look into the essence of things!

May you all find truth in these words (no pun intended).

With wishes for all your happiness.

Is life worth living for love alone?

Yes, Yes and Yes

Love, it is the basis of the human race and possibly all other forms of evolution. Love is what leads us to be happy, love in the simplest form.

What is love? Love is the desire for someone to be happy without ties, not "I love you, you love me back too". Love is not selfish, its the exact opposite. Love is what makes babies(or at least sometimes... lets not go into other ways this happens.. maybe another post). Of course love is neglected on occasion but you get that with everything.

If no human loved another or at least didn't love themselves(I will get to the reason why this breeds peace shortly) then we would of all been killed in war already.

Now if you love yourself but no other then you still wouldn't start a war, because you know that you are human, you know what it feels like and there is a chance that if you shot someone, someone else would come back and hit you with 6 bullets instead... not something you would like to happen to yourself.

Now I probably complicated things there but If I were to define humanity I would say that its just a label, but I beleive that the fact that we can surpass instinct and base our life and interactions on love alone makes us what we are(except psycopaths.. but thats another post for another day). We love and we "hate"(I don't actually beleive in hate.... I hate the word hate).

Now in my humble opinion based on what I have said, Life is worth living for love alone.

But what if the question was: Is live worth living for one person that you love alone?

I would still say yes, now if the person loves you back that would be the most wonderful reason to live, the fact you are in a great relationship.

What if love hurts you? Is live worth living then?

No, end it with a slit of the wrist now... IM JOKING(sort of). When you get hurt by love it is most possibly the most painful thing that will ever happen to you, it takes ages to recover and generally you will never be the same. But then you must say, if the person hurt me I deserve better(don't get cocky though). Go and find somebody who truly loves you and will be loyal(makes sure you are willing to do the same back though). Then once again you will be happy and have purpose!

So in conclusion the answer to my Question is YES.

Lots of Huggles go out to those that need(and want) them!

So I woke up and....

The struggles of life, the pains in life, one of the biggest challenges we suffer in life is the attempt to get up in the morning.... Well I just made it for another day.

Now after defeating that challenge I am confronted with another, what to do today? Well obviously I am doing this right now so lets figure that out at a later stage!

What is it that makes a new day beautiful? I beleive that it is the possibility that somethng we desire might come along and slap us one, I for instance might get a call from some random girl who wants to mary me(well come on its a possibility I can dream can't I?).

But okay here is the point I want to make, you get up, your heart flutters ooo "a new day" some of us think, what makes it different to the last, and what even makes it a day... the flow between "time" everything that happens to us is the same, every atom proton and neutron that makes up one object is in essence the same as the next and beyond that which makes up the atom what is there? There is nothing! Therefore we live every day for nothing, we get excited over nothing, we expect a call from nothing. The only thing that makes something different is the way we label objects!

Right now I am sitting on nothing and typing on nothing, so on this new day in wich I am excited over nothing lets see what will happen to me(who in essence is also nothing) and lets see what I can dribbles up on my blog by the "end" of the day!

On I lighter note may all those reading this blog be blessed, there is someone out there who cares. May you find happiness and peace within yourself!

Random Thought and Comment of the Day

Well its 1:45 in the Morning here, and I have decided that I MUST write a random comment, thought and question!

I must be sexy or I wouldn't love myself!

Maltesers seem like a good cure for Coca-Cola induced stomach acid

Is life worth living for love alone?

Why am I living an Illusion?

Okay, you may be wandering why my Blogs name is what it is... well the answer is because I am(and the rest of you.. ) are living and Illusion.

Why? Think about it, you react with people the way you want to, you take things the way you want to, you understand things the way you want to. Every moment you live is in the past as soon as you live it and then what proof is there that it happened? Your unreliable memory showing only what you saw of that moment... maybe even removing details that you don't want to remember maybe only seeing part of what happened!

If you saw an old lady get up and leave her bag there then a young lad on a bike swoops past and takes the bag you think THIEF!!! but what you don't know is that that lad on the bike was the old lady's grandson and that he was piking up the heavy bag for her to take to her car(he is riding the bike because he lives down the road and she lives in the next town) now you only saw and knew part of the situation(as far fetched as it happened), now what you see on the news does it really happen?

Basically you only know what is in your past as minute as it is. But you never see the truth, you never see every place at one time!

Did you ever hate a certain food when you were young and wanted your desert... you pretend in your mind its another food(it works to an extent) so you can handle it.. mental clouding!

You delude yourself to beleive that a new car will make you happy and you get it and what happens... you want more!!

Every moment you live is in your past and every moment to come won't last long enough to be reality.

I make you who you are, I make what I see what I want it to be, I feel how I want to feel, this is because I am my own God, My mind makes my life what I want it to be, this is my Illusion!

LOVE LOVE, What I think love is and how beautiful it is(plus some great tips!!)

Love, the most beautiful and important thing in the world! Without love we would most likely all be dead... Well maybe we would be unevolved monkeys or something but thats beside the point. Love is very real, very powerful and very beautiful.

If there was no love there would be no peace. Love breeds tolerance. You love your friends, you "hate" your enemies. People care for their children and their partners creating beautiful unions.

I have heard its said that if you want a loyal partner mary a Swan! This is almost true for in the world today nobody works at relationships anymore. "I don't love her anymore" is a common call for someone ending a relationship... well that means your a weak mofo who should go back to the cows(sorry about the harshness). Love is a choice, this is fact, sure people may do things that result in you not loving a person anymore such as cheating or abuse. But in reality, in a relationship that is going fine, let your walls down and love a person, give them a chance and something might happen. Work at a relationship, nothing happesn without cause and a broken relationships cause is nothing... no effort, nobody trying!

If nothing is happening in a relationship and YOU are bored or you think your partner is then act and make it fun again! ITS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY

Love to me is making someone I care for happy, showing them I care, giving them my all! Taking as little from them as possible, and letting them be free. Love to me is giving someone hugs and sweet kisses, looking into their eyes knowing love exists between you. It is something I miss. But I can tell you the girl that left me I no longer love, so love does not exist there any more.... what love is not is what I feel for her, But only what I once did, I have loved two people in my lifetime(in a Swan relationship way) The first broke me and the second... I broke, she was great but we lived apart and I gave up, I was weak, she deserved better anyway, I will never leave anybody again!!

I see many people around me, I see love around me, it is a wonderful thing to watch. Don't be jealous when you are not in a relationship and see others in one for you should be happy knowing they are.

Don't ever take someone for granted, don't ever judge people by looks. The person they are is more important. Don't judge by age, for it is mental maturity that matters.

If you give your love you will gain it in return, if you give your love and do the right things by others you will surely be happy.

Love yourself for if you cannot, nobody will want to love you either.

If you crave love start looking but don't get too desperate for this results in more pain and little success.. trust me

Love may be accross the room from you, love may be next to you, be brave, just do it, talk to a person as hard as it may feel. In a room of 50 people of the opposite sex(or the same depending which way you swing) at least 10 of those could be potential partners for you, know this for it is true.

Don't get yourself in a mess by looking after someone who needs help as harsh as it may sound, if love is there its not love its infatuation, you will end up hurting(trust me). But if you really step back and know you love the person when you meet them then its worth it despite what I say. BUT if you are already in a relationship and the person you are with needs help give it your all.

Put effort into love, love love. Appreciate love and never ever give up. You will be happy with someone marvelous oneday trust me :-D

Sunday, 10 October 2004

What am I in the mood for? Am I happy?

Well.. I don't know and.. Define Happy!

I am in the mood for a hug, I am in the mood for love, I am in the mood for a kiss, I am in the mood for sleep(which I have trouble getting). I am in the mood to meet new people.

Now after you hear all those things you may think im Gay(and no I think if you are gay that is perfectly fine!!) But no, im certainly not. I just look at things differently and think women should be treated with respect and... (sorry guys) that they are more intelligent and superior to men. Obviously there is equality but women are not generally controlled by testosterone and urges to get people of the opposite sex in bed, I mean who really gets hurt in relationships? (other than me) Women!! the men usually go off and sleep around and there you go, its screwed.

BUT.... on another note, when a relationship breaks down who has it easy? The person who ended it for some selfish reason!, the wanted better sex or someone hotter or just to be free, the other person(unless they were left for a good reason like abuse) is sitting there with their heart ripped out wandering what hit them. The other person moves on to someone else and it takes forever for that person who got hurt to recover and move on. Its sad and painful but it happens. Let me be there for those who get hurt or at least know that I have felt your pain or that there is someone out there who cares!.

Well there you go I felt like writing about the above!!! :-P

Now am I happy? Well NO, not right now im sort of in between being happy and mellowed out(no I don't take ANY drugs.. well other than prescribed ones). But im just not happy, after getting annoyed at us fellas for being sleazes and getting cut over decent people getting hurt in relationships its going to take a joke and a half to make me smile this evening. But then again I make things how I want them in my life so here I am at the end of this post and im almost happy again!

The Joys of Suffering

To be alive is to suffer. But what is that which we suffer? Life is the suffering of ourselves. We desire, we crave, we hate, we ignore. We create our lives ourselves to the extent that we see what we want to see or choose. When we walk to the nearest fast food store, there is something that we suffer from, we suffer the feeling of walking, we may suffer from the heat, and we are suffering from the craving of the food. Of course we could just be simple and accept things around us, but if we were simple we would certainly not be going to eat fast food and we certainly would not be spending money on it or even have money.

Suffering is that which we create ourselves, and it is mostly us westerners that suffer. But do those we think suffer, truly suffer that much? Does a poor man with one donkey and two children suffer more than that of a western man with two children and a CEO Position at Microsoft? Well I can’t really make that judgment but in all reality the “donkey man” is probably better off, this man probably appreciates the more important things in life more, and in that life itself. The Western man probably craves more, wants more, and creates his own suffering. But as I said, I can’t make that judgment.

What is your one aspiration in life? Is it to find love? Make money? Be happy? No matter what it is, it creates suffering, none of these things are real goals for the desire to have them creates more complications than the actual acquisition of the goal itself. I myself crave love. And I can tell you that is a painful suffering. What can I do to fix my suffering, well in reality nothing but the best I can do is ignore it and stop wanting.

We cling, we desire, we satisfy but when we die where does it go? Well it goes to someone else who then suffers it more. But what happens to us when we die? The cessation of suffering so it seems! But let’s live this life of suffering just in case for death might be hell. Live your life of suffering and enjoy it for life is what you make it and suffering will always get better. If you suffer the craving of love maybe you will eventually suffer too much love (in a good way) or too much money. Just wait and see. And even if you suffer too much smile!

The Pain I Suffer

I really cannot believe what I do to myself, what have I done now? Something I do to myself all the time. I meet someone I am surely attracted to, at a higher level, a personal level, not a physical level. I try I do my best, but my best is never good enough. All I want is love, but the people I care about see me as nothing.

Nothing is what I will always be. You get your hopes up about something and then you get hurt, you are lead to believe it will happen then all of a sudden it doesn’t, and it is the most painful thing ever. It is unbearable. Do you know what that feeling is like?

Death, what is it? Death is an end to suffering, life is suffering, that is fact, but the what if there is a rebirth and you kill yourself, one of the only ways to end suffering and you are born to suffer even more. Nothing will ever be fair.

My karma, my feelings, Who I am it isn’t fair. I am hopeless, if these are the feelings my father felt I now know why he was an alcoholic, it must have been so unbearable and that alcohol must so easily quell the pain we feel. Pain, what is pain… pain is everything. Death may be pain to the people not dying but they should be happy for that ease out of suffering… or are the people still alive jealous of those who die I know I am.

Plunge a knife into me, take my life away from me, this would be surely my greatest relief. Do this to me and I will be forever in your debt, for the best advice I can give those who do that for me is to turn the knife in the other direction after plunging it and do it straight back to themselves.

Life is a never ending cycle of pain. Love may be promising but Love truly is the passage to extreme pain. True love is rare, nobody works on relationships, if you are prepared to work on a relationship surely the other person will not be, and you will suffer. Real love is so rare, but be happy for those that have it don’t be jealous even though you may never have it.

If you wait you get hurt, if you put effort in, it is for nothing. Just take things as they come some may say, but if you are not prepared for the worst you suffer the death of the heart, you suffer the death of the mind at an emotional level.

Save your love for no-one give your love to everyone. If you are out to get love it will not come, for love is only something that can be given not taken. If you are given love, don’t start to want more, give all you can back for it is truly the only thong to do.

You could suffer life, you could end your life or you could just be simple and never look for anything, the latter being the easiest to live a happy life with but although it is based on simplicity it is the hardest to obtain.

Those sufferers of money desire, they are lucky for that is the easiest to gain, it just needs work… don’t get to caught up with it though.. it is also the easiest to heal and fix, those who suffer from physical pain appreciate it, it really can be a nice feeling and when its gone appreciate your life more. Those who suffer love and suffer emotional pain, are better to end it now or close them selves off from the world, us, the sufferers of love, we go out get hurt. Lets go back to out shell or run to our blades. I promise you all, life is too painful to live, if we were all there for each other the world would be perfect for us but we are rarely in that position.

Take my illusion away from me, that is all I desire. And if you don’t want to do that find someone to love me how I need to be loved. Being happy with yourself is too hard, it is possible but for some the possible can be all too impossible.