Thursday, 14 June 2007


We run away everyday, we try to hide from our problems. I have spoken about this before but people have the tendency of cover up their problems in some even more dangerous ways. Pain can be hard to handle but it is definitely not something you want to cover up with an altered state of mind.

Drugs can be a good "party-goers recreational tool" but they should not be used with an extreme frequency and should not be used when you are feeling low. People who use drugs of any form are using them as some form of escapism but people who use them to cover up feelings could be forming a dangerous psychological addiction.

Face your problems in the real world because when you make them go away by the use of drugs, life just gets harder and harder and so does the addiction.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Bottling Things Up

People have a tendency to hold things back and let them boil inside. We may have for example lost a love one. After initially feeling the pain we then hold it back so that we can apparently "move forward through life". Unfortunately this method of coping with things is unproductive and does more damage than good.

When you hold things back you put up walls that you may not be aware that you have built. You may not be able to let new things into your life. Accepting the fact that what you have lost is gone, reflecting on the good times and harbouring the memory is the only thing I can recommend that you do. If we live life by ignoring the pain, ignoring the feelings we have and trying to erase memories we will fall into a pit that we may not be able to escape from. Face the pain for it is an experience worth having to move forward, but make sure you harbour the acceptance of loss as soon as you are ready.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Where to Go

Life is full of bumps and hurdles, we go through so much and a lot of the time we never know what we want. We think about what we can achieve, what would make us happy, but we also seem to have trouble finding it. Is it as simple as just coming to terms with what we already have? Can we get past all these difficulties and these pains and "just be"?

These are questions I am not going to try and answer for everyone is at a different level. Everyone needs to find what makes them happy but I would suggest looking inside yourself instead of out. Try to come to terms with what has been and gone, what you have lost, where you are now and what you have.

Life can be wonderful at times, just think positive and never too far forward.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


Its an odd feeling, a feeling of just "being", you just do what you feel like doing, you do whatever feels fitting. You do what you have to when you have to but nothing seems to matter but, its not in a way thats bad... it "just is".  You don't care where you end up, you don't care what your doing, its like your observing reality just pass by and you can only nudge it to steer it in the right direction.

How do you escape it? Do you want to? To just let it be or to try and steer yourself back to the reality you are used to... Where has it all gone?