Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Tragedy of the Cyclic Existence in the Material World

Today in modern society, we seem to be trapped in an unfortunately cyclic existence. We go to work everyday, make money, pay the bills and never really experience life. What is it we contribute to society?

We may be working in a retail store, or in IT fixing computers, but what contribution does this truly make? All we are really doing, is going to work, assisting a corporate entity so we ourselves can profit. We use this money to buy flash cars, big houses, and many other superficial things that we really don't need to find "true happiness". We need to assess what we are really achieving in our every day life.

What could we do to improve the world and our lives? Unfortunately if everyone quit their jobs, the world wouldn't function correctly, however there are some things we can change. We can start volunteering to a meaningful cause, we could donate within our means and of course, we could simply be better people by helping our fellow humans out. There are some other small changes we could make, some of these however, are extremely difficult to implement.

We need to start cutting down on self indulgence, money does NOT buy happiness. We can start by living within out means, not buying extravagant cars, houses and TVs, and simply start enjoying the simpler things in life. What is the most exciting thing you have done lately? It might pay to step outside of your boundaries, go bungee jumping, kayaking, rock climbing, sky diving or simply go out to the wilderness and take a hike through our beautiful, and natural world. Changing these things in our day to day lives can easily lead to true happiness.

True happiness is not attained by having the best of the best, being a millionaire, being popular or having all the latest gadgets, happiness is indeed and inside job. We could divide "levels" happiness into a scale, but in my own opinion, I think there is only one type of "true happiness". Happiness comes from within, accepting and appreciating things for what they are, being content with life, and most of all, having a kind and generous heart. Loving kindness is indeed the true method to achieve happiness, whether you simply be a better person to the people you know and encounter, start donating to charity out of the good of your heart, volunteering for a worthy cause such as rescuing animals or assisting people in need or changing our career all together, you will find more fulfillment, peace of mind, and happiness.

Get out there people, change the world!